Tuesday, December 28, 2010

now that Christmas is done...

Now is time to start thinking about my next goal...
Like most women, I want to loose weight, not just to look better but to also improve my health. There is a lot of diabetes in my family and there was a health scare recently that shook me to my core. My father had a stroke at the end of October and is still not back to work. I have already been going to the gym but I haven't been watching my diet as closely as I should.

Now I don't want to be one of those stick thin women that you see on TV and in magazines...and I know I would never be like one of them because I have too many curves already. My chest is not small, I have played sports most of my life so my thighs are larger, and my calves are no where near normal in size but I can confidently say that it is the one part of my body that does not have a drop of fat on them. I only know this because while doing another weight loss program, they would measure my calves each week, and they never changed in size...ever.

I want to loose at least 50 to 75 pounds...I know that some people may say that it is too much or too hard of a goal to strive for but if I only loose 50, I would be happy and would be closer to my ideal weight. If I loose 75, I will be closer to my ideal weight of 123 based on my height and frame size.

I have a goal...I have a plan...and I have a way to track my progress. I don't want to loose weight quickly because I want it to stay off. I am going to start South Beach again for two reasons...first is because my husband is a Celiac and it is a very Celiac friendly diet and secondly, because I already have books and recipes. I will be going to the gym daily and working out for at least 45 minutes per day, first thing in the morning. In the evening, my goal is to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred daily and will also be going skating or walking every day. I think by doing these activities, I will be able to get down to a sensible weight in no time.

I want to be around to see my son get married, I want to be around to teach my grandchildren how to skate, I want to be around for a while...

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